G u s t a v
o M u l t e d o
ADLER : | Fisiología del ojo (OFERTA) | 60 |
BENOZZI | Ecografía ocular(CD ROM) | 95 |
FRAUNFELDER : | Terapéutica oftalmológica | 30 |
GARCIA : | Refracción | 30 |
HERREMAN : | Refracción | 25 |
KANSKI : | Oftalmología clínica. 4ª. edición | 75 |
KANSKI : | Oftalmología. Signos y síntomas clínicos | 70 |
LEE : | Lentes de contacto | 30 |
LIOTET : | Exámenes de laboratorio en oftalmología | 60 |
NANO : | Normas de diagnóstico y terapéutica ocular | 35 |
NORTH : | Trabajo y ojo | 80 |
PAVAN : | Diagnóstico y terapéutica ocular | 63 |
SCORSETTI : | Oftalmología clínica en esquemas | 60 |
SENA : | Oftalmología médico-legal (OFERTA) | 10 |
SPALTON : | Atlas de oftalmología clínica | 240 |
TASMAN : | Wills atlas de oftalmología clínica | 195 |
VAN HEUVEN : | Decisiones en oftalmología | 85 |
VANDER | Secretos de la oftalmología | 48 |
APPLE: | Ocular pathology.Clinical applications | 280 |
ATTA : | Atlas of ophthalmic ultrasound | 115 |
CHAR : | Clinical ocular oncology | agotado |
DUANE : | Clinical ophthalmology ( 6 vol ) | 950 |
DUANE : | Foundation of clinical ophthalmology ( 3 vol ) | 560 |
FRAUNFELDER : | Drugs induced ocular side effects | 50 |
FRIEDMAN | Massachusetts manual of ophthalmology | 70 |
JACOBIEK: | Principles and practice of ophthalmology( 6 vol ) | 1.100 |
KANSKI : | Ophthalmology. Clinical signs and differential diagnosis | 90 |
KEAN : | Atlas of ophthalmic parasitology | 80 |
KERTES | Clinical trials in ophthalmology | 90 |
LAMKIN: | Massachusetts review manual of ophthalmology | 110 |
LEE: | Clinical guide to comprehensive ophthalmology | 210 |
PARRISH | Bascon Palmer atlas of ophthalmology | 290 |
TASMAN : | Will's atlas of ophthalmology | 210 |
VADER: | Ophthalmology secrets | 65 |
VAN HEUVEN : | Decision making in ophthalmology | 120 |
WIIL'S : | Will's eye manual | 85 |
WRIGHT : | Textbook of ophthalmology | 180 |
ALEZZANDRINI : | Microcirugía láser en oftalmología | 50 |
BONAFONTE : | Retinopatía diabética | 46 |
GOMEZ ULLA : | La mácula senil | 95 |
HAMERSTEIN : | Distrofias retinianas | 50 |
KANSKI : | Desprendimiento de retina (OFERTA) | 30 |
LOMATZSCH : | Tumores intraoculares | 60 |
MALDONADO BAS | Láser en oftalmología (OFERTA) | 15 |
MENEZZO : | Atlas de angiofluoresceína clínica | 500 |
MICHELS : | Desprendimiento de retina | 280 |
P. BUSTAMANTE : | La retina periférica | 120 |
POTTER : | Manual de oftalmoscopía binocular indirecta | 38 |
QUIROZ : | Retina | 63 |
SCUDERI : | Atlas de oftalmoscopía clínica | 210 |
GUYER: | Retina , macula and vitreous | 550 |
RYAN : | Retina ( 3 vol ) | 600 |
GASS : | Atlas of macular diseases ( 2 vol ) | 450 |
YANUZZI : | Atlas of retina | 330 |
TASMAN : | Clinical decisions in medical retinal diseases | 130 |
HAMPTON : | Age related macular degeneration | 95 |
RICHARD : | Fluorescein and ICG angiography | 240 |
BLOOM : | Laser surgery of the posterior segment | 120 |
PEYMAN : | Intravitreal surgery | 320 |
ORELLANA : | Atlas of congenital fundus disorders | 90 |
BOVINO : | Macular surgery | 80 |
YANUZZI : | Indocianine green angiography | 260 |
FREEMAN : | Atlas of retinal diseases and therapy | 320 |
BRUNZINI : | Infecciones oculares (OFERTA) | 15 |
FEDUCOWICZ : | Infecciones externas del ojo | 50 |
GRAYSON : | Enfermedades de la córnea | 196 |
LEE : | Lentes de contacto | 105 |
LOPEZ ALEMANY : | Lentes de contacto | 90 |
KRACHMER : | Cornea ( 3 vol ) | 530 |
BURATTO : | Corneal topography | 140 |
BRIGTHBILL : | Corneal surgery | 290 |
KRACHMER : | Color atlas of cornea | 240 |
LEIBOWITZ : | Corneal disorders | 340 |
CLIN.OFTALM | Glaucoma | 34 |
HARRINGTON : | Campos visuales | 110 |
LOPEZ MATO : | Manual de perimetría cinética y computada (OFERTA) | 20 |
PASTOR : | Complicaciones del tratamiento de glaucoma | 50 |
PILLUNAT : | Glaucoma | 60 |
SAMPAOLESI : | Glaucoma (agotado) | |
HODDAP : | Clinical decisions in glaucoma | 120 |
ANDERSON : | Automatic static perimetry | 120 |
CHANDLER : | Glaucoma | 190 |
FISCH : | Gonioscopy and the glaucomas | 130 |
LIEBERMAN : | Computarized perimetry | 70 |
SCHUMAN : | Imaging in glaucoma | 140 |
RITCH : | The glaucomas ( 3 vol ) | 400 |
PAVLIN : | Ultrasoud biomicroscopy of the eye | 140 |
BORODIC : | Cirugía plástica de los párpados | 80 |
BOYD : | Atlas de cirugía ocular ( Vol. I ) | 310 |
BOYD : | Atlas de cirugía ocular ( Vol. II ) | 310 |
BOYD : | Atlas de cirugía ocular ( Vol. III ) | 310 |
BOYD : | Atlas de cirugía ocular (Vol. IV ) | 310 |
CHARLTON : | Complicaciones en cirugía ocular | 160 |
HELVESTON : | Cirugía del estrabismo | 60 |
LINDQUIST : | Cirugía oftalmológica | 490 |
M. SAHUQUILLO : | Cirugía plástica ocular | 80 |
MICHELS : | Desprendimiento de retina | 280 |
PADILHA-LU-ARGENTO | Facoemulsificación. De lo básico a lo avanzado | 160 |
LAROCHE : | Cirugía de la catarata | |
JAFFE : | Atlas of ophthalmic surgery | 160 |
STEINERT : | Cataract surgery | 260 |
HELVESTON : | Surgical management of strabismus | 140 |
JAFFE: | Cataract surgery and its complications | 240 |
MICHELS : | Retinal detachment | 280 |
BOVINO : | Macular surgery | 80 |
PEYMAN : | Intravitreal surgery | 320 |
MACHAT : | The art of lasik | 280 |
CASEBEER : | Incisional keratotomy | 170 |
KOCH : | Mastering phacoemulsification | 95 |
FINE : | Phacoemulsification . New technology & aplication | 60 |
ROY : | Master techniques in ophthalmic surgery | 210 |
ELANDER : | Principles and practice of refractive surgery | 290 |
SEIBEL : | Phacodynamics (OFERTA) | 90 |
BURATTO : | Phacoemulsification | 280 |
ALIO : | Inflamaciones oculares (OFERTA) | 60 |
BRUNZINI : | Infecciones oculares (OFERTA) | 15 |
CLIN.OFTALM | Uveítis | 34 |
FEDUCOWICZ : | Infecciones externas del ojo | 50 |
HERRERAS : | Endoftalmitis | 68 |
KANSKI : | Uveítis (OFERTA) | 15 |
LIOTET : | Los exámenes de laboratorio en oftalmología | 60 |
OLEA : | Oftalmología y SIDA | 65 |
NUSSENBLAT : | Uveitis | 170 |
KEAN : | Atlas of ophthalmic parasitology | 80 |
TABBARA : | Posterior uveitis | 130 |
PEPOSE : | Ocular infection & inmunity | 280 |
FORRESTER : | Posterior segment intraocular inflamation | 90 |
ZIMERMAN : | Textbook of ocular pharmacology | 280 |
CLIN.OFTALM. | Neuro-oftalmol. en las enfermedades sistémicas | 34 |
GLASER : | Neuro-oftalmología | 130 |
PEREZ MOREIRAS | Oftalmopatía distiroidea | 80 |
PEREZ MOREIRAS | Patología orbitaria | 155 |
WALSH : | Neuro-oftalmología | 30 |
CLIN.OFTALM. | Diagnóstico por imágenes en oftalmología | 34 |
MILLER : | Neuro-ophthalmology. The essential | 120 |
ROSEN: | Neuro-ophthalmology | 280 |
ROOTMAN : | Orbital surgery | 290 |
CHAR : | Thyroid eye disease | 120 |
LEE: | Clinical pathways in neuro-ophthalmology | 110 |
ARTIGAS : | Cataratas congénitas | 50 |
GIL GIBERNAU : | Oftalmología pediátrica | 360 |
GODDE-JOLLY : | Oftalmología pediátrica | 120 |
LOMATZSCH : | Tumores intraoculares | 60 |
LEVIT : | Oftalmología del recién nacido | 35 |
CASTIELLA : | Refracción en el niño | 60 |
CIBIS : | Decision making in pediatric ophthalmology | 120 |
ISENBERG : | The eye in infancy | 180 |
ROSSENBLOON : | Pediatric optometry | 140 |
TAYLOR : | Pediatric ophthalmology | 360 |
BRODSKY : | Pediatric neuro-ophthalmology | 210 |
TAYLOR : | Practical pediatric ophthalmology | 90 |
COTTER : | Prismas ópticos | 50 |
VON NOORDEN : | Atlas de estrabismos | 115 |
VON NOORDEN : | Estrabismo. Decisiones clínicas | 105 |
HELVESTON : | Cirugía del estrabismo | 60 |
JEANROT : | Iniciación a la estrabología | 69 |
PRIETO DIAZ : | Estrabismo | 140 |
PICKWELL : | Anomalías de la visión binocular | 120 |
GOOD-HOYT : | Management of strabismus | 140 |
VON NORDEN : | Strabismus . A decision making approach | Agotado |
VON NORDEN : | Binocular vision & ocular motility | 190 |
VERONEAU : | Prisms in med & surg management of strabismus | 90 |
HELVESTON : | Surgical management of strabismus | 140 |
MACHAT : | The art of lasik | 290 |
BURATTO : | Lasik | 280 |
GIMBEL : | Lasik complications | 110 |
KOCH : | Personalizing RK | 70 |
BURATTO : | Corneal topography | 140 |
GILLS : | Corneal topography | 140 |
ELANDER : | Principles and practice of refractive surgery | 290 |
CASEBEER : | Incisional keratotomy | 170 |
GILLS : | Surgical treatment of astigmatism | 110 |
STEIN : | Excimer. The fundamentals | 90 |
GRENE : | Patient centered comanagement in refractive surgery | 50 |
PINOS : | Extracción extracapsular del cristalino | 35 |
PADILHA- ARGENTO: | Facoemulsificación | 160 |
LAROCHE : | Cirugía de la catarata | 324 |
BURATTO : | Phacoemulsification | 280 |
STEINERT : | Cataract surgery | 260 |
JAFFE : | Cataract surgery and its complication | 240 |
KOCH : | Simplifying phacoemulsification | 95 |
FINE : | Phacoemulsification. New technology and aplication | 60 |
SEIBEL : | Phacodynamics | 125 |
GILLS : | Cataract surgery. The state of the art | 170 |
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