Autor Título Year US$
Agarwal Refractive surgery nightmares ( with DVD) 2007 195
Dada Mastering the nucleotomy techniques in phaco ( with 4 DVDs) 2007 180
Garg   Clin applicatios of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory ophth drugs 2007 110
Garg - Alio Mastering the techniques of LASIK, EPILASIK, and LASEK 2007 170
Garg - Fine Mastering the phacodinamics. Tools technology and innovations 2007 180
Garg - Lin Mastering the intraocular lenses ( with DVD) 2007 200
Garg - Sheppard Clinical diagnosis and management of ocular allergy 2007 70
Holladay Quality of vision 2007 95
Kertes evidence-based eye care 2007 130
Levin Atlas of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus 2007 210
Macsai Ophthalmic microsurgical suturing techniques( with DVD) 2007 160
Midena Perimetry and the fundus. Microperimetry 2007 180
Ram Pediatric cataract surgery 2007 130
Sachdev- Agarwal Techniques of cataract surgery ( with 2 DVD ROMs) 2007 190
Saxena Focus on macular diseases ( with DVD ) 2007 160
Vinciguerra Refractive surface ablation. PRK, LASEK, Epi LASIK, Custom 2007 170
Weber Atlas of lacrimal surgery ( with DVD) 2007 190
    Year US$
Agarwal Phaco nightmares ( with DVD) 2006 195
Agarwal Dry eye 2006 130
Alfaro Age related macular degeneration 2006 210
Apple Sir Harold Ridley and his fight for sight 2006 70
Azad Retinopathy of prematurity 2006 70
Belville Presbyopia surgery. Pearls and pitfalls 2006 110
Bhende Atlas of ophthalmic ultrasound 2006 150
Busin Atlas of microkeratome asisted lamellar keratoplasty 2006 90
Cohen The lacrimal system 2006 170
Coleman Ultrasonography of the eye and orbit 2006 230
Dada Gonioscopy. Text and atlas 2006 95
Dada Mastering the nucleotomy techniques in phaco ( with 4 DVDs) 2006 190
Desai- Kanski Phacoemulsification made easy ( with 2 CD ROMs) 2006 50
Font- Croxato Tumors of the eye and ocular adnexa 2006 190
Garg Dry eye and ocular surface disorders 2006 120
Garg Glaucoma. Diagnosis and management 2006 210
Garg- Pallikaris Mastering the techniques of corneal refractive surgery 2006 170
Garrity Orbital tumors 2006 220
Gupta Atlas of optical coherence tomography of macular diseases 2006 180
Guthoff Essential ophthalmology- Oculoplastic and orbit 2006 130
Heckenlively Principles and practice of clinical electrophysiology of vision 2006 190
Helveston: Surgical management of strabismus 2006 160
Huang Retinal imaging 2006 260
John Anterior and posterior lamellar corneal surgery 2006 260
Kanski Ocular inflamatory disease 2006 160
Krachmer Color atlas of Cornea ( with CD ROM) 2006 270
Leigh - Zee The neurology of eye movements 2006 190
Lorenz Essential ophthalmology- Pediatric, neuro-ophth, genetics 2006 130
Melki: 101 pearls in refractive, cataract and corneal surgery( 2nd edition) 2006 100
Netland Pediatric glaucoma 2006 110
Pandey Dry eye and ocular surface disorders 2006 120
Prabhudesai Atlas of optic nerve evaluation in glaucoma 2006 120
Reinhard Essential ophthalmology- Cornea and external disease 2006 130
Ryan Retina ( 3 vol set) Text with  continually update online reference 2006 650
Saxena Ophthalmic surgery. The cutting edge ( with 2 CD ROM) 2006 260
Schuman everyday OCT. A handbook for clinicians and technicians 2006 105
Shaarawy Atlas of glaucoma surgery 2006 180
Susanna The optic nerve in glaucoma 2006 140
Wang Corneal topography in tyhe wavefront era 2006 210
Wright Handbook of pediatric retinal disease 2006 90
Wright Handbook of pediatric neuro-ophthalmology 2006 90
Wright Handbook of pediatric eye and systemic disease 2006 90
Autor Título Year US$
Agarwal Bimanual phaco. Mastering the phaconit/ MICS Techniques 2005 140
Azar LASEK, PRK, ans stromal surface ablation 2005 210
Batlle To the macula and beyond 2005 110
Bhattacharyya Clinical aplications of YAG laser 2005 95
Bujarborua Idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy 2005 60
Garg- Alio Mastering the techniques of lens based refractive surgery 2005 140
Gladstone Oculoplastic surgery atlas. Cosmetic ( with DVD ROM) 2005 130
Kirchhof vitreoretinal surgery 2005 130
Krachmer Cornea ( 3 vol  set) with DVD ROM 2005 530
Lam Electrophysiology of vision 2005 160
Levin Neuro-ophthalmology. The practical guide 2005 210
Miller Clinical neuro-ophthalmology( 5 volume set) 2005 840
Nagpal Posterior segment complications of cataract surgery 2005 140
Natarajan Diagnostics in macular disorders 2005 110
Saxena Optical coherence tomography in retinal diseases( with DVD) 2005 160
Seibel Phacodinamics ( 4th edition) 2005 170
Shields Glaucoma  5th edition 2005 200
Susanna Answers in glaucoma 2005 80
    Year US$
Agarwal Phacoemulsification ( con 2 CD ROM) 2004 200
Alió Refractive surgery with phakic IOLs 2004 160
Alió MICS. Microincision cataract surgery 2004 135
Caesar Phacoemulsification step by step ( con CD ROM) 2004 75
Chang Phaco Chop( con DVD ROM) 2004 180
Gimbel LASIK complication (3rd edition) 2004 90
Hampton Roy Master techniques in cataract and refractive surgery 2004 180
Hardten Phakic intraocular lenses. Principles and practice 2004 195
Higginbothan Clinical guide to glaucoma management 2004 130
Kanski Diseases of the macula 2004 120
Kanski Glaucoma 3rd edition 2004 110
Krueger Wavefront Customized visual correction II 2004 210
MacEwen Manual of strabismus surgery 2004 80
Schumann Optical coherence tomography 2004 290
Steinert Cataract surgery  2nd edition 2004 300
Watson The sclera and systemic disorders 2004 190
    Year US$
Adler Physiology of the eye. 10th edition 2003 150
Belville LASIK techniques. Pearls and pitfalls 2003 95
BenEzra Ocular surface inflamation 2003 160
Buratto Custom LASIK . Surgical techniques and complications 2003 260
Buratto Phacoemulsification.  Principles and techniques 2003 260
Digre Practical viewing ot the optic disc 2003 190
Gills A complete surgical guide for correcting astigmatism 2003 130
Karma Atlas of neuro-ophthalmology 2003 110
Lerner Glaucoma surgery 2003 150
Lipham Cosmetic and clinical applications of Botulinum Toxin 2003 105
Mastroasqua Confocal microscopy of the cornea 2003 130
Nussenblat Uveitis. 3rd edition 2003 180
Probst LASIK. Advances, Controversies and Custom 2003 220
Reddy Illustrated automated static perimetry 2003 90
Rhee Glaucoma. Color atlas and synopsis 2003 80
Savino Neuro-ophthalmology. Color atlas and synopsis 2003 80
Shammas Intraocular lens power calculation 2003 110
Yanoff Ophthalmology 2nd edition 2003 340
    Year US$
Agarwal Presbyopia: a Surgical Textbook  2002 140
Byrne Ultrasound of the Eye and Orbit - 2/e 2002 200
Charles Vitreous Microsurgery - 2002 160
Fishkind Complications in Phacoemulsification 2002 160
Forrester The Eye: Basic Sciences in Practice  2002 140
Foster Diagnosis and treatment of uveitis 2002 280
Gladstone Oculoplastic Surgery Atlas. (con 2 CD) 2002 130
Holland Ocular Surface Disease: Medical and Surgical Management  2002 190
Kanski Diseases of the Macula 2002 120
Katowitz Pediatric Oculoplastic Surgery - 2002, 694 pp 2002 420
Kuhn Ocular Trauma: Principles & Practice - 2002, 468 pp 2002 190
Mastropasqua Confocal microscopy of the cornea 2002 110
Noble Anterior Segment Repair and Reconstruction 2002 150
Olver Colour Atlas of Lacrimal Surgery  2002 190
Pavan Manual of Ocular Diagnosis and Therapy - 5/e 2002 60
Puliafito Ocular Photodynamic Therapy - 2002, 144 pp 2002 135
Pulido The requisites: retina, choroid, and vitreous 2002 130
Rootman Diseases of the orbit 2002 280
Roy Ocular diferential diagnosis 2002 110
Steidl Clinical pathways in vitreoretinal diseases 2002 190
Vajpayee Corneal transplantation 2002 140
Wright Pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus 2002 320
    Year US$
Alward: The requisites in glaucoma 2001 120
Azar: Intraocular lenses in cataract and refractive surgery 2001 160
Boyd: LASIK and beyond LASIK 2001 170
Buzard: The blue line incision and refractive phacoemulsification 2001 110
Ford: Cataract surgery and intraocular lenses. A 21st century 2001 90
Gimbel: Lasik complications.Prevention and management 2001 130
Gold Color atlas of the eye in sistemic diseases 2001 180
Kline: Neuro-ophthalmology. Review manual .5/e 2001 60
Kreisig: Minimal surgery for retinal detachment. 2 Vol set 2001 90
Pineda: The complicated cataract 2001 50
Probst: LASIK. Color atlas and surgical synopsis 2001 170
Trobe: The neurology of vision 2001 170
Van Heuven: Decision making in ophthalmology 2001 130
Pratt-Johnson Management of strabismus and amblyopia 2001 140
    Year US$
Agarwal: Phacoemulsification and laser cataract surgery 2000 110
Alward: Atlas of gonioscopy 2000 100
Benezra: Ocular inflamation. Basic and clinical concepts 2000 160
Boyd: The art and science of cataract surgery 2000 140
Buratto: Viscoelastics in ophthalmic surgery 2000 190
Buratto: Pterigium surgery 2000 80
Rapuano: Anterior segment. The requisites 2000 100
Tewari: Fluorescein angiography. A user manual 2000 70
Wright: The requisites in pediatric ophthalmology 2000 120
WIIL'S : Will's eye manual 2000 85
    Year US$
Guyer: Retina , macula and vitreous. (2 vol) 1999 550
Ledford The complete guide to ocular history taking 1999 40
Machat: The art of lasik 1999 225
Madreperla Macular hole 1999 95
Regillo Vitreoretinal diseases. The esential 1999 210
    Year US$
Ledford The slit lamp primer 1998 40
Hosten Imaging of the globe and orbit 1998 130
Pallikaris: Lasik 1998 180
Remington: Clinical anatomy of the visual system 1998 50
Stein: Excimer. The fundamentals 1998 70
    Year US$
Buratto: Corneal topography 1997 110
Byrne: Diagnostic microbiology and citology of the eye 1997 60
Cavallerano Macular disorders 1997 90
Char: Tyroid eye disease 1997 90
Forrester: Posterior segment intraocular inflamation  1997 60
Freeman: Atlas of retinal diseases and therapy 1997 130
Garzia Vision and reading 1997 60
Gills: Cataract surgery. The state of the art 1997 80
Jaffe: Cataract surgery and its complication 1997 240
Leibowitz: Corneal disorders 1997 360
Press Applied concepts in vision therapy 1997 110
Reibaldi Progress in retinopathy of prematurity 1997 50
Schuman Imaging in glaucoma 1997 90
Stein: Contact lenses. Fundamentals and clinical use 1997 70
Whitacre Intraocular gas.Principles and application 1997 80
Wright Textbook of ophthalmology 1997 70
Yannuzzi Indocianine green angiography 1997 260
    Year US$
Atta: Atlas of ophthalmic ultrasound 1996 115
Chong: Clinical ocular physiology 1996 30
Corboy: The retinoscopy book 1996 40
Fine: Phacoemulsification . New technology &  aplication 1996 60
Fraunfelder: Drugs induced ocular side effects 1996 50
Gills: Corneal topography 1996 140
Good-Hoyt: Management of strabismus 1996 140
Jones: Atlas of peripheral ocular fundus 1996 80
Koch Personalizing RK 1996 70
Phelps Brown: Lens disorders 1996 90
Von Noorden Binocular vision & ocular motility 1996 90
Orellana Atlas of congenital fundus disorders 1995 90
Casebeer: Incisional keratotomy 1995 120
Isenberg: The eye in infancy 1995 180
Tasman Will's atlas of ophthalmology 1995 130
Grene: Patient centered comanagement in refractive surgery 1994 50
Tabbara Posterior uveitis 1994 50
Tasman Clinical decisions in medical retinal diseases 1994 80
Hoddap: Clinical decisions in glaucoma 1993 90
Hampton: Age related macular degeneration 1992 30
Snell Clinical anatomy of the eye 1992 80
Spoor Atlas of optic nerve disorders 1992 90
Walsh Neuro-ophthalmology. Clinical signs and simptoms 1992 90
Pollack External disease of the eye 1991 60
Retzlaff: Lens implant power calculation 1990 20